Wheel of the Year

The Wheel of the Year consists of 8 Sabbats and 13 Esbats.
-Sabbats are the times when we celebrate the cycle of the sun and seasons.
     -We generally start counting the Sabbats in march with Ostara.
-Esbats are the times when we celebrate the cycle of the 13 moons of each year.
     -We generally start counting the Esbats in january.

The Eight Sabbats:

The Sabbats consist of 2 polar solstices, 2 polar equinoxes, and 4 seasonal festivals in between each of those 4.

- Summer Solstice = The longest day of the year when the sun reaches it's highest point at noon.
- Winter Solstice = The shortest day of the year when the sun reaches it's lowest point at noon.
- Equinox = When day and night are of equal length and the sun crosses the celestial equator.

1) Ostara (The Spring or Vernal Equinox)

March 21
-The beginning of the wheel of the year. 
-Night and day stand in perfect balance, with light on the increase
-New growth

Activities: Planting seeds or starting a garden. Taking a long walk in nature with no intent other than reflecting on the magic of nature and our Great Mother and her bounty.

Related Zodiac Sign: Aries

2) Beltaine (May Day)

May 1
-"It is a magical interval when the mundane laws of time and space are temporarily suspended, and the Thin Veil between the worlds is lifted."

Activities: Burning the Wicker Man

Related Zodiac Sign: Taurus

3) Litha (Summer Solstice)

June 21
-Longest day of the year
-The Sun is at it's greatest strength

Activities: An Ideal time to reaffirm your vows to the Lord and Lady or your dedication to following the old traditions.

Related Zodiac Sign: Gemini & Cancer

4) Lughnasadh 

July 31 & August 1
-First harvest of the year
-Spring plants wither and drop seeds to ensure future crops
-Fruits are ripe for picking

Activities: Fire and light festival. First grain harvest. Feast dedicated to Earth Mother. Count your blessings.

Related Zodiac Sign: Cancer

5) Mabon (Fall Equinox)

September 21
-Night and day stand in perfect balance, with dark on the increase
-Second harvest of the year
-Equality and balance
-Time to honor aging deities

Activities: Making wine, gathering dried herbs, plants, seeds and seed pods, walking in the woods, scattering offerings in harvested fields, offering libations to trees, adorning burial sites with leaves, acorns, and pine cones to honor those who have passed over. 

Related Zodiac Sign: Leo

6) Samhain

October 31 & November 1
-The end of summer
-Winter commences
-Third harvest of the year
-Rebirth through death
-"It is a magical interval when the mundane laws of time and space are temporarily suspended, and the Thin Veil between the worlds is lifted."
-Communication with ancestors and departed ones is easier

Activities: Some leave food offerings on altars and doorsteps for the "wandering dead". Single candles were lit and left in a window to help guide the spirits of ancestors and loved ones home. Extra chairs were set to the table and around the hearth for the unseen guest. Apples were buried along roadsides and paths for spirits who were lost or had no descendants to provide for them. Turnips were hollowed out and carved to look like protective spirits, for this was a night of magic and chaos.

Related Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

7) Yule (Winter Solstice)

December 21
-Longest night of the year
-Rebirth of the sun
-Planning for the future

Activities: Caroling, wassailing the trees, burning the Yule log, decorating the Yule tree, exchanging of presents, kissing under the mistletoe, honoring Kriss Kringle the Germanic Pagan God of Yule.

Related Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

8) Imbolc

February 1 and 2
-Dispensing the old and making way for the new

Activities: Candle Lighting (light Candles or lamps in each room of the house right after sunset for a few minutes to honor the Sun's rebirth), Stone Gatherings, Snow Hiking and Searching for Signs of Spring, Feasting, and Bon Fires maybe lit.

Related Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

The Thirteen Esbats: 

The Esbats consist of the 13 cycles of the moon in a year. Pagans will often perform magickal spells and/or rituals to align themselves with and to honor the moon during these times.

The 13 Esbats correspond with the 13 Oghams of the celtic druid alphabet. Each Ogham letter has it's own meaning and corresponds with a specific type of tree and moon. Each Ogham is placed into one of three classes which simply represent the order of importance they served to the druids.

These 3 Ogham classes are: Chieftain, Peasant, and Shrub.

January Moon

Celtic Name: Alder Moon
Ancient Name: Wolf Moon
Polarity: Masculine
Related Ogham: Fearn
Ogham Class: Chieftain

Energy Flow: Sluggish and below the surface.

Good Time For: Conserving energy by working on personal problems that involve no one else. Also a good time for protection rites and reversal spells.
Magickal Properties: Spirituality, teaching, weather magick, duty, mental prowess.

February Moon

Celtic Name: Willow Moon

Ancient Name: Ice or Storm Moon
Polarity: Feminine
Related Ogham: Saille
Ogham Class: Peasant

Energy Flow: Working toward the surface, purification, balance, healing, self-love.

Good Time For: Loving the self, accepting responsibility for past errors, forgiving yourself, and making future plans.
Magickal Properties: Romantic love, healing, protection, fertility, magick for women.

March Moon

Celtic Name: Ash Moon

Ancient Name: Chaste Moon
Polarity: Feminine
Related Ogham: Nuin
Ogham Class: Chieftain

Energy Flow: Breaking into the open, growth, exploration, prosperity, light and dark are in balance at this time.

Good Time For: New beginnings, breaking illusions, and seeing the truth in your life however much it may hurt.
Magickal Properties: Prosperity, protection, healing.

April Moon

Celtic Name: Hawthorne Moon

Ancient Name: Seed or Growing Moon
Polarity: Masculine
Related Ogham: Huathe
Ogham Class: Peasant

Energy Flow: Change, creating and producing, being self-reliant, working on self-confidence issues, taking advantage of opportunities.

Good Time For: Working on your temper, emotional flare-ups, and selfishness.
Magickal Properties: Fertility, peace, prosperity, binding.

May Moon

Celtic Name: Oak Moon

Ancient Name: Hare Moon
Polarity: Masculine
Related Ogham: Duir
Ogham Class: Chieftain

Energy Flow: In full flow

Good Time For: Intuition, propagating, and connecting with faeries and nature spirits.
Magickal Properties: All positive purposes, magick for men, fidelity.

June Moon

Celtic Name: Holly Moon

Ancient Name: Mead Moon
Polarity: Feminine
Related Ogham: Tinne
Ogham Class: Peasant

Energy Flow: Full, but restive, the Earth tides are turning making this a good time for protection, strengthening, and prevention spells.

Good Time For: Decision making, taking responsibility for present happenings, working on personal inconsistencies, and for strengthening and rewarding yourself for your positive traits.
Magickal Properties: Protection, prophecy, magick for animals, sex magick.

July Moon

Celtic Name: Hazel Moon

Ancient Name: Hay Moon
Polarity: Feminine
Related Ogham: Coll
Ogham Class: Chieftain

Energy Flow: Slower and more relaxed, proper for success and prosperity spells.

Good Time For: Dream-work, divination, and meditation on spiritual goals and plans.
Magickal Properties: Manifestiation; Spirit Contact; Protection; Fertility.

August Moon

Celtic Name: Vine Moon

Ancient Name: Corn Moon
Polarity: Androgynous
Related Ogham: Muin
Ogham Class: Chieftain

Energy Flow: Slowing more. Time of vitality, health, and friendships.

Good Time For: Harvesting, gathering, and appreciating.
Magickal Properties: (Dependent on the type of vine)
Blackberry - Prosperity; Protection; Sacred to Brid
Blueberry - Spirituality; Dream Magick
Grape - Fertility; Inspiration; Prosperity; Binding
Thistle - Courage; Protection; Strength

September Moon

Celtic Name: Ivy Moon

Ancient Name: Harvest Moon
Polarity: Masculine
Related Ogham: Gort
Ogham Class: Chieftain

Energy Flow: Resting. Light and Dark are in balance during this time.

Good Time For: Organizing and straightening up physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual clutter.
Magickal Properties: Healing, protection, cooperation, exorcism.

October Moon

Celtic Name: Reed Moon

Ancient Name: Blood Moon
Polarity: Feminine
Related Ogham: Ngetal
Ogham Class: Shrub

Energy Flow: Cleansing.

Good Time For: Letting go, justice, balance, inner harmony.
Magickal Properties: Fertility, protection, love, family concerns.

November Moon

Celtic Name: Birch Moon

Ancient Name: Snow Moon
Polarity: Feminine
Related Ogham: Beth
Ogham Class: Peasant

Energy Flow: Transformation, t
aking root and preparing to flow once more.
Good Time For: Prepare for winter and strengthen communication with deity.
Magickal Properties: Protection of children, purification, creativity.

December Moon

Celtic Name: Rowan Moon

Ancient Name: Oak or Cold Moon
Polarity: Masculine
Related Ogham: Luis
Ogham Class: 

Energy Flow: Death and renewal. 
The Earth tides are turning.
Good Time For: Reaching out to friends and family, the lonely, and the needy.
Magickal Properties: Healing, personal empowerment, divination, endurance and provision.

Blue Moon (or Elder Moon)

Celtic Name: Elder Moon

Ancient Name: Blue Moon
Polarity: Masculine
Related Ogham: Ruis
Ogham Class: Shrub

Energy Flow: Completeness

Good Time For: Ending a cycle or problem
Magickal Properties: Exorcism, prosperity, banishing healing

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